His Friends - Colin Katz

His Friends
Colin Katz

An Original monologue

The author can be contacted through email at kats6@hotmail.com. This monologue may be used without permission for any auditions/in class use, but I do ask that you contact me if you do use it. Any modifications to this monologue must be reported to the author before being used. Any questions or comments are much appreciated and can be directed to the aforementioned email address.

You know, I can’t remember who met who first, who fell in love with who first, or even where all of us came from. How we all got stuck in the same small town. All I can remember is the five of us always being together, as if we’ve known each other all our lives. And we have. You guys are like a family to me. No, that’s not right. You guys are family to me. You’re my family, and I’ll always cherish that about you. I never thought that it would end like this. I figured that we’d all be old and grey before we had to say goodbye. Fate seems to have had a different plan. I’ll never forget the times we had together. That night Nicole almost ran over the pizza guy in my driveway. Or that time me and Scott got caught after streaking the football game. Or even when Karen broke her leg skiing, and we had to hold out in that barn overnight. We always seemed to have a good time together. I always knew that I would look back on the tears and laugh. I never thought that I would look back on the laughter and cry. Ryan was a great guy. The only one of us that had any real ambition. He always said that he would find a way out of here, out of this wretched small town life. And it doesn’t seem fair that he be buried here. He deserves more than that. He didn’t deserve to die. This town did it to him. This town killed him. No one else really knew him but us. His friends. But that wasn’t enough. None of us even remotely thought that he would kill himself. He was always kind of quiet, even around us. But he still talked to us about his problems though! We’d always help each other through things. No matter what had happened. If we were a family, then Ryan was our little brother. He wasn’t supposed to die! Not him, not this way! Not this YOUNG! He was supposed to live a long life, a happy life. A life far away from here. But instead, we gather here to mourn his death. And so, we commit his body to the ground. Ashes to Ashes. Dust to Dust.

Colin Katz can be contacted at kats6@hotmail.com