For You - Colin Katz

For You
Colin Katz

This writing is dedicated to AJP, for whom this was written.

I want to be the one
Who's there for you
I'd love to be the one
Who stays with you

Through the endless nights
I have seen your face
I know your touch

Can I be the one
Who takes care of you?
Spends time with you?
Dies for you?

A message from an angel
Sent down from the skies
A blue baloon love
That captured my eye

A tall windy mountain
That holds my life
Have you forgotten?
I still wait there in my mind

An endless ride through the streets
A fog resting over top the river
I see the stars shining overhead
And a full moon lights my way

How far down the road do you want me to wait?
I'll be just around the corner
Standing in the streetlight
Waiting for you

Colin Katz can be contacted at